Callsign webinar


Account Takeover (ATO) comes up every year as a growing problem across financial services and payments ecosystems. But why aren't we better at solving it? We have the technology, strategy and resources, yet ATO is still damaging customer's digital experiences and piling up fraud losses on the bottom line. We can do better.

Join our esteemed panel of thought leaders to receive unique insight and actionable takeaways. This includes a discussion around transformation fraud management and how it's critical in solving your ATO pain point. In addition, we'll highlight proven technology that will make ATO less of trending topic in the years to come.

Here's what you'll learn:

Current state of ATO and how we got to this point

Why the industry still has challenges

Transformation fraud management - what does it mean, how does it help

How technology such as behavioral biometrics and machine learning are leading the way to crack ATO

Things you can do right away to improve your ATO strategy

Your presenters:

Ronald Prätsch

Ronald Prätsch

Fraud Consultant, Co-Founder


Ronald leverages his extensive experience in payments & fraud to inform the structure and content of the site. Outside of About-Fraud, Ronald consults regularly with merchants, payment service providers and fraud solution vendors. Before About-Fraud, he spent close to a decade in various payments and fraud prevention roles at Sift Science, Fareportal, and Pay.On in both Europe and North America.

Hal Callsign

                          Hal Granoff

Head of US Market Development 


Hal is leading the strategy and expansion of Callsign’s Intelligence-driven Authentication in the United States.  Previously, Hal was a Sr. Director at Early Warning, where he was responsible for developing authentication solutions to protect FIs from the threat of fraud in mobile and online platforms.

David Fapohunda

David Fapohunda

Managing Director


David is currently Managing Director- Head of Transformation & Digitization at Barclays. In his past role at PwC he advised commercial and consumer financial institutions, telecom and technology companies on a broad spectrum of matters relating to fraud and financial crimes, with a particular focus on payments and digital banking fraud risk management.


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