ABOUT FRAUD WEBINAR TEASER template 800x450 (2)

About the free webinar series

New account fraud is a rising threat and fraudsters are finding novel ways to exploit  vulnerabilities during account set up processes to perpetrate financial crimes, identity theft and  more. Join TransUnion’s upcoming webinar to learn about new account creation fraud where we  will dive into common tactics used by fraudsters, discuss real-world case studies and present  effective strategies for prevention and detection. Learn how to enhance your security protocols,  leverage advanced technology, and implement best practices to safeguard against fraudulent  account creation. 

Here's what you'll learn:

Learn how to enhance your security protocols, leverage advanced technology, and implement best practices to safeguard against fraudulent account creation.
Better understand how combining diverse risk signals can help mitigate fraud more effectively.
Gain actionable insights to better protect your organization and your customers from sophisticated threats.
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Your presenters:

carlos sanches

Carlos Sanchez 

Global Senior Technical Advisor


Carlos brings over 15 years of dedicated expertise in combating fraud and safeguarding both private and public entities. Throughout his accomplished career, Carlos has held pivotal roles at leading companies, including Microsoft, HP, Nortel, AT&T, and Verizon. His extensive experience in the field has positioned him as a recognized authority on cybersecurity and fraud prevention. Currently, Carlos serves as a Global Senior Technical Advisor for TransUnion, where he specializes in device fraud detection and omnichannel authentication. His innovative approaches have significantly contributed to enhancing security measures and protecting sensitive information across various industries.


Darron Cross

Industry Executive


Ronald Prätsch

Ronald Praetsch

Co-Founder &
Fraud Fighter

About Fraud

Ronald leverages his extensive experience in payments & fraud to inform the structure and content of the site. Outside of About-Fraud, Ronald consults regularly with merchants, payment service providers and fraud solution vendors. Before About-Fraud, he spent close to a decade in various payments and fraud prevention roles at Sift Science, Fareportal, Booking.com and Pay.On in both Europe and North America.