Research and Report

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About Fraud

The About Fraud “Anti-Report”

Finally, a report that's easy to digest and has clear takeaways (hence, the "Anti-Report" ). We highlight the most relevant fraud use cases across a financial institution's customer journey, clearly explaining: The most important information about the use case: the problem, stats to know, KPIs to track, ways to solve the problem and general advice and Insight from thought leaders in the space, in a simple to understand format.

uk finance

UK Finance

Annual Fraud Report 2024

UK Finance publishes both the value of fraud losses and the number of cases. The data is reported to us by our members which include financial providers, credit, debit and charge card issuers, and card payment acquirers.

Each incident of fraud does not equal one person being defrauded, but instead refers to the number of cards or accounts defrauded. For example, if a fraud was carried out on two cards, but they both belonged to the same person, this would represent two instances of fraud, not one.



Fraudscape 2024

Fighting Fraud and Financial Crime Together.

Pioneering intelligence, analysis and statistics to illuminate the fraud and financial crime landscape, and direct our shared strategic response to the threats.

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Discover True Cost of Fraud™ Study Results

Navigate the rising risk of fraud and learn how to grow your business more safely. Explore current fraud costs, attack rates, trends, challenges and recommendations for your industry.

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Decoding the EU's Most Threatening

This report decodes the ABCD of themost threatening criminal networks and assesses what makes these networks most threatening - they are Agile, Borderless,Controlling and Destructive.
This analysis of over 800 criminal networks lays the foundations for tackling anddisrupting their operations. Investigating and bringing them to justice is a goal that can only be achieved through a culture of police
cooperation across Europe and beyond.


Financial Crime and Consumer Security Report 2023

As a global fintech, Revolut meticulously documents the type of fraudulent transactions that are recorded on its systems. This is done in order to better understand, and
and in the future prevent fraud so that Revolut, as well as other financial institutions, can better protect our customers in the future.

This report sheds light on the type of fraud Revolutrecorded in 2023 and the key takeaways from that data



The FraudBenchmarking Report 2023

To satisfy our collective curiosity about fraud benchmarks, and provide fraud fighters
working for online companies with insights into how their own team’s performance compares to their peers. Fraudology encourages you to compare the results with your

own metrics to identify areas for improvement (either via processes, technology, and/or strategy), and to acknowledge where you may be outperforming your peers.


Unit 21

Fraud Fighters Manual

Through six engaging chapters, get insights from fraud prevention experts at renowned Fintechs like Brex, Mercury, and Lithic.

The Manual gives readers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the lives of professionals who deal with fraud on a daily basis.

GBG logo


The State of Digital Identity 2023

Trust is fundamental to digital transactions, but it is a fragile commodity. If you cannot trust the identity of the person you are interacting with online, you cannot transact with them. In 2023, diminishing levels of trust between consumers and citizens, businesses, media and government is a growing problem.

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2023 Document Fraud Report

Document fraud has been around for centuries, but the methods used to create fraudulent documents have become more sophisticated over time. At Inscribe, we're processing millions of documents each month — which makes it possible for us to uncover new trends in how fraudsters are evolving their document manipulation techniques.



Global Fraud Report 2023

Each year, Cybersource and the Merchant Risk Council join forces to release the highly anticipated Global Fraud and Payments Report. Based on extensive research in key markets, this online fraud report offers valuable insight into the latest trends in payments technology and fraud.



2023 Visa Merchant Fraud Report

Based on insights from 27 billion+ global transactions worth $381B from our flagship fraud prevention solution Decision Manager, Visa has compiled our latest findings about fraud trends and AI automation.



Fraudster Dictionary

Fraudsters who specialize in online payment fraud have their own slang to communicate in the darknet realm. If your daily job requires a constant battle against them or your business is affected by online fraud, this publication is for you. Be one step ahead of fraudsters by learning their slang and operational techniques.