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Smyte Leaves Customers in the Lurch

Smyte and Twitter left dozens of the former's clients out in the cold at the end of last month, shutting off the company's API with half an hour's notice following its acquisition by Twitter on June 21. Clients including Zendesk,, Indiegogo and Meetup were impacted by the disruption in service. Smyte...
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PayPal and Twitter Buy Anti-Fraud Startups in June

Mergers and acquisition activity took off in the fraud space in June with PayPal's $120 million acquisition of Simility and Twitter's buyout of Smyte. Meanwhile, fraud detection startup CashShield closed a $20 million Series B funding round. PayPal's all-cash deal to acquire Simility is expected to close at the end of the...
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How Blockchain Could Disrupt Online Fraud Prevention

People are always talking about how blockchain will change the world and disrupt industries. One of the industries that doesn’t get much attention in the TED talks and blog posts is e-commerce fraud prevention. The core feature of blockchain is the distributed ledger. This ledger records transactions in a database that can...
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How to Avoid ICO Fraud with Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency investors are participating in record numbers in initial coin offerings (ICOs) even though there are still not many uses for cryptocurrencies today within the overall retail and banking space. This article will list the different types of tokens one can purchase as well as the scams/frauds sometimes involved in an ICO....
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What’s in Your Cryptocurrency Wallet? Cybercriminals Want to Know!

Big concerns exist around account takeover (ATO) at digital cryptocurrency exchanges—and no wonder. By its very nature, it is nearly impossible to trace who owns cryptocurrency funds. Digital currency wallets are also a very popular target for cyber thieves because of the irreversibility of digital currency transactions, making wallet security a top...
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First Fraud Data Exchange for Auto Industry Launches

PointPredictive formally launched today, May 30, a fraud data exchange for auto lenders at the Auto Lending Fraud Consortium Roundtable in Fort Worth, Texas. Auto lenders will be able to use the Fraud Data Exchange as a repository for sharing data from confirmed fraudulent auto-loan applications. The service is designed to detect...
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What Does Machine Learning Mean for Fraud Prevention?

Everyone in fraud prevention must have heard the term machine learning bandied about in discussions about the changing nature of their work. However, the recent hype suggests that some of the people promoting machine learning solutions are either overstating or misrepresenting what the technology is currently doing and what it is capable...
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What VCR Really Means for Merchants

Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) is the biggest dispute policy update the payments industry has experienced in decades. Every stakeholder has been impacted, with requirements changing for cardholders, issuers, acquirers, and merchants. An unintended challenge of VCR is ensuring each stakeholder has the information and insight they need to comply with--and benefit from--the...
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What GDPR Means for Fraud Prevention

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a piece of EU legislation which directly impacts all organizations or people which process the personal information of individuals. Organizations that do not understand their fraud operations completely will end up with flawed or incomplete compliance with GDPR. There will be organizations found lacking and...
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