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Fraud Screening for Retailers: Prepare for Volume Spikes

Retailers spend all year getting their product selection, inventory, logistics and marketing ready for year-end peak sales seasons, but they often don’t adjust their fraud screening tools for sales peaks. Surprisingly, this oversight may not lead to more fraud but to more false declines. Why would otherwise dependable fraud screening rules and...
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Intro to Synthetic ID's From a Former FBI Fraud Fighter

Basics & Background In layman’s terms, a synthetic ID is created when a fraudster takes a real or fake social security number (SSN), builds a completely false persona around it (including credit tradelines, ID cards, the works), and uses the fake persona to obtain credit and cash, then disappears… leaving the financial...
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DataVisor CEO Yinglian Xie on the Democratization of Online Fraud Prevention

Yinglian Xie co-founded DataVisor in 2013 after establishing a reputation as a highly regarded researcher, author, and conference contributor. Yinglian has over 10 years of experience in security, specializing in fighting large-scale attacks with AI and Big Data technologies. Recently, she spoke with About-Fraud about her vision for an internet where more...
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Sift CEO & Co-Founder Jason Tan on the Current State of the Internet

Jason Tan co-founded Sift in 2011 after a career in software engineering at various Seattle startups. As the company’s CEO, he draws on a deep sense of optimism to spur himself and his team to be better. Recently, Jason spoke with About-Fraud about the state of trust, safety, risk and fraud on...
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How to protect yourself from deceptive marketing practices

Confidence tricks are as old as commerce. So are confidence tricksters, also known as con artists or scammers. They manipulate individual psychology to induce victims into a bargain disadvantageous to themselves. However, con artists also manipulate institutional psychology, specifically the weaknesses in acquirer underwriting and risk management policies and procedures, to secure...
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Brett Johnson on the Cybercriminal Mindset

In the world of online fraud prevention, Brett Johnson sits in a category all his own. With support from his wife, sister, Karisse Hendrick, and the FBI, Mr. Johnson has synthesized a career that would have been unimaginable from inside of a 7.5-year prison sentence. Today, the man is still running; not...
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The Evolving Landscape of CNP Fraud

DJ Murphy is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of, which he co-founded with CEO Steve Casco in 2011. Murphy’s involvement in the world of card-not-present began in 2008 when he worked at Paybefore a trade publication for the prepaid card industry. About-fraud recently spoke with Murphy ahead of its annual CNP Expo...
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Ad Fraud: The Silent Revenue Killer

Fraud is a well-known threat to every online company. Because of that, nearly every company has some solution for handling transaction fraud, reducing chargebacks, and verifying customers. The biggest reason for this is because companies can see the effects of transaction fraud immediately and easily recognize the drain on their revenue. Ad...
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The People's Champ: Fraud Fighting with Karisse Hendrick

Karisse Hendrick is well known in fraud prevention circles. From "The Online FraudCast" to the CNP Expo to her personal consulting business, she has had a significant impact on the fraud fighting ecosystem. In addition to her depth of knowledge, she is refreshingly humble and kind, something you don't always find with...
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