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Rising Magecart Attacks Place Victims in Jeopardy

Key Findings Magecart attacks have grown increasingly popular over the past several years. Their tactics have evolved and their ability to both breach sites and evade detection has advanced. Magecart has become the leading cause of Card Not Present (CNP) cybercrime in recent years. Gemini’s Magecart Overwatch system has detected 150 million...
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Data is the New Oil – Data Needs to Go Greener

Wildfires. Floods. Droughts. Hurricanes. July 2021 was the hottest month on record, since records began. We’re starting to experience the frightening impact of climate change, at a pace at which climate-related disasters are becoming part of the background noise of news and current affairs. We’re at a very similar point when it...
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Investment, Acquisitions & IPO’s – Q3 2021

A little over 3 months ago, we wrote an article detailing the big investment and acquisitions in the fraud prevention space for the first half of 2021. Since then, there were so many more we needed a refresh! This is highlighted by Transmit Security raising an eye-popping $543 million in series A...
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Insurance Fraud & Ad Fraud

We tend to spend a good portion of time focusing on fraud that impacts financial institutions and merchants. However, there are other industries suffering from mounting fraud losses and challenging attacks. Here we will dive into a couple of those use cases, explaining how technology can help fight back. The two areas...
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The Importance of Manual Review

In the last decade, the fraud detection and identity verification space have rallied around usage of Machine Learning.  One often overlooked component to make these models successful is a strong risk operations team.  A strong risk operations team enables a financial institution to shift outward the risk frontier (more approvals and fewer...
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How to Select Your Fraud Solution Provider

Fraud is an extremely large challenge for eCommerce merchants. According to Juniper Research, eCommerce fraud is projected to eclipse $20 billion in 2021, an 18% increase from the prior year. The right fraud solution provider can provide vital compliance and anti-fraud protection. However, with so many options on the market, choosing the...
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Beyond KYC: Know Your Business & UBO

Knowing your customer and the ultimate beneficial owners (UBO), who own and control a business, is fundamental to satisfying regulatory requirements as well as understanding risk, explains Christian Chmiel, Chief Innovation Officer, Web Shield. Identifying and verifying customer identities is central to customer due diligence. This is the process by which a...
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