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As the leading pioneer of behavioral analytics, now integrating device and network signals, NeuroID not only enhances fraud detection accuracy but also reduces friction and operational costs. NeuroID detects fraud rings, malicious bots, and other bad actors before they strike, anywhere across your user journey, starting on day 1. Through a single integration, NeuroID stops every type of third-party fraud from stolen IDs to ATO from the very first interaction—with no additional user friction and without collecting PII.

Location:Whitefish, MT, United States
Founded: 2017

Fraud Solution Profile

NeuroID looks at how humans or bots are interacting with your digital forms to evaluate riskiness in real-time. NeuroID behavioral analytics is a behind-the-scenes, frictionless way to measure users’ intention. We don’t see the data that users enter, just how they enter it. 

NeuroID behavioral analytics tracks every click in a box, field hover, typing input, and hundreds of other small and large interactions. This data isn’t collected or used to connect to a single identity (making it different from biometrics, which does connect those actions to a specific user). Instead, our clients use behavior to learn more about the experience and the intentions of users on their site so they can push risky users through more friction and step-ups (or outright reject them), while providing trustworthy users with a better experience.

Enhancing NeuroID behavior with device and network signals enables even more accurate fraud detection. Unlike others who only see if a device is risky, NeuroID’s nuanced understanding of behavior and device interactions provide holistic, advanced detection that finds fraud no one else can, anywhere across your user journey. With NeuroID, you can detect more fraudsters, faster—without putting friction into the process that alienates your trustworthy users.

Flag risky applicants sooner—even before personal data is verified or the form is submitted—with razor-sharp precision, catching fraud threats that would otherwise be overlooked. Adding NeuroID’s behavioral analytics as your front line of defense streamlines the rest of your fraud prevention efforts. You can fine-tune all of your fraud solutions for greater accuracy in their individual specialty, giving you more confidence in approval/denial and fewer costly step-ups and reviews.

Your business has intricate fraud prevention needs. NeuroID customizes your rules to your specific challenges, creating unrivaled fraud detection for online brokerages, robo-advisors, and investment management platforms. This leads to faster verification times for trustworthy users (and more deterministic rejections for fraudsters). You can also better pinpoint stages where users might abandon your process, ensuring smoother experiences.

NeuroID helps your leaders across the banking, lending, payments, consumer finance, ecommerce, and fintech industry stop:

  • Fraudulent Account Opening
  • Fraudulent Account Charges
  • High Manual Review Costs
  • Deposit Fraud via Mule Accounts
  • Coordinated Human and Bot Fraud Attacks
  • Friction across the customer journey
  • Money laundering and fake accounts
  • Promo abuse and business logic schemes




Ecommerce, Financial Services, Insurance
 Primary Functionality
Identity & Verification
 Fraud Type
Account Takeover, Loyalty or Promo Abuse, New Account Fraud, Payment Fraud, Synthetic Identity Fraud
Behavioral Biometrics